Christian Devotions Speak Up! is an outreach of Christian Devotions Ministry. Each week host, Scott McCausey, interviews Christian leaders, sports figures, authors, pastors, agents, missionaries and media personalities who are making a difference in the kingdom of God. Scott keeps Christian Devotions Speak Up! on top of and in touch with current issues that Christians face daily, making the show not only enjoyable but informative. It is a blog talk radio show that airs every Tuesday night at 6p.m.

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Proverbs 31:8

Monday, December 8, 2014

This Week's Show ~ Clayton Jennings

Christian Devotions SPEAK UP!
December 9
Proclaiming the Good News
Clayton Jennings

6:00 p.m. EST

Join us this week on Christian Devotions SPEAK UP! with film icon—and a man who proclaims the good news of Jesus Christ wherever he goes—Clayton Jennings.

Clayton Jennings grew up in the church. The son of a preacher, Jennings has been involved in Harbour Shores Church’s annual Behold the Lamb production for most of his life. “It was spearheaded by my mom and all about telling the story of Jesus and his life. I had lots of roles growing up—young Jesus, Isaac, Roman soldier …” Jennings says when he was younger, the production was “just a play.” He goes on to say, “I had a lot of fun bonding with the church. Now it means so much more. All of a sudden, it was telling other people about this Lord we follow. It became a mission, not a performance.”
At age twenty-five, Jennings has written two published novels and written, funded, produced, filmed, directed, edited, and starred in a full-length feature film. “I’ve had a midlife crisis the last four years,” he jokes. “I have a sense of urgency. You don’t know how much time you have left. God gave me a huge opportunity and great people around me. I don’t have any excuse not to work hard.”

The most difficult challenge came in 2011 when Jennings had an epiphany while driving to acting class. During his senior year at IUPUI, Jennings spent the days as a student and his evenings writing the script. He then emptied his entire savings account to buy camera equipment and fund Strayland, which premiered at Harbor Shores on January 20, 2012, to a standing-room-only crowd of more than 1,200 people. “It all came back and then some through donations and DVD sales at the premiere,” Jennings said. “We shot sixty-two scenes in thirty-eight days, and I lost fifteen pounds doing it. It was the coolest summer of my life.”

On his website,, Jennings has posted twenty-five short films about skits and spoken-word poems, in addition to information about his novels and Strayland.

If you know someone who would be a great guest on Christian Devotions SPEAK UP! contact

2014 Schedule
December 16 - Tricia Goyer, Cara Putman, and Sarah Sundin, Christmas Authors
December 22 – Speak UP Best of Christmas Special
December 30 – Speak UP Best of 2014

Every Tuesday evening from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

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1 comment:

  1. He's a great Hero, a true Christian and an American to be proud of.
