Christian Devotions SPEAK UP!
January 19, 2016
Home School Success with
Jennifer Henn
6:00 p.m. EST
Join us this week on Christian Devotions SPEAK UP! as Scott talks about home education and how the Henn family imported this way of life.
Jennifer Henn surpassed her own childhood learning struggles and has homeschooled for fifteen years. She has a unique perspective on how others can educate their kids while learning themselves amidst the chaos of life and shortness of energy.
At one point, Jennifer’s health required her to stop homeschooling. During a three-year period, her children were schooled by other moms, along with attending public and some private schools. Although her three children made the honor roll, they wanted to return to homeschooling.
Many parents search for a perfect school that doesn’t exist and many don’t consider the benefits of their own abode. Jennifer desires to shed light to this option. She teaches how to find a balance between rigid schooling and lazy schooling to create a successful environment.
If you know someone who would be a great guest on Christian Devotions SPEAK UP! contact
2016 Schedule
January 26 – Christian Performing Artist Cheri Keaggy
Every Tuesday evening from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
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